The Moog Strikes Bach...(To Say Nothing Of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini And Prokofieff)

Hans Wurman - The Moog Strikes Bach...(To Say Nothing Of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini And Prokofieff)

verschiedene Versionen

The Moog Strikes Bach...(To Say Nothing Of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini And Prokofieff)
RCA VictrolaVICS 1489
35,00 €
24,50 €
Hans Wurman - The Moog Strikes Bach...(To Say Nothing Of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini And Prokofieff)
LP - Hans Wurman - The Moog Strikes Bach...(To Say Nothing Of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini And Prokofieff)
LP - Hans Wurman - The Moog Strikes Bach...(To Say Nothing Of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini And Prokofieff)
Dieses Bild dient nur zur Veranschaulichung
The Moog Strikes Bach...(To Say Nothing Of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini And Prokofieff)
Produkte auf Lager

'Slightly different cover and labels from (r=2252135) and (r=9102267).

This version has only RCA-logo at the top right corner on the front cover. Back cover has 'Deutsche Pressung. German Pressing', cat #s VICS 1489 & 26.41194 and stickered distribution code at the top right corner on the back cover. Bottom right corner has label code. Label codes also on the labels above RCA logo.

Sonart Productions, Inc. presents The Moog Strikes Bach...
to say nothing of Chopin, Mozart, Rachmaninoff, Paganini and Prokofieff.

All works arranged or transcribed and performed on the Moog synthesizer by Hans Wurman.


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